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HomeCryptocurrencyExpert Itemizes Steps to Make Ripple Replace Federal Reserve

Expert Itemizes Steps to Make Ripple Replace Federal Reserve

Due to Ripple’s success in the cross-border payments sector, XRP community members like Ashley Prosper believe the company has the potential to become a major player within the US financial system, though not as a direct competitor to the Federal Reserve.

In a post on X, Ashley outlines a 16-point plan that explores the theoretical steps Ripple could take to become a more prominent participant in the US financial landscape.

Building a Foundation for Collaboration

Central to Prosper’s proposal is the idea of Ripple working collaboratively with existing financial institutions and regulatory bodies. Legislative changes would likely be necessary to create a framework for this type of partnership.

This could involve establishing a new entity with specific responsibilities for specific areas, such as cross-border transactions, that Ripple could be well-positioned to support.

Gaining the approval of key regulatory bodies like the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Treasury Department would be crucial. Ripple’s board already includes former officials from these organizations, which could facilitate communication and build trust.

Addressing Core Functions

Prosper acknowledges that any entity aiming to play a significant role in the US financial system would need to demonstrate its ability to manage key functions currently overseen by the Federal Reserve. This includes control over monetary policy, such as managing inflation and interest rates. Integration with the existing US banking system would also be essential.

Security and Stability

Building trust is paramount. Robust cybersecurity measures would be necessary to protect against potential threats and ensure the security of financial transactions. Furthermore, Ripple would need to demonstrate its ability to maintain economic stability and navigate financial crises effectively.

Transparent and accountable governance structures would be critical for fostering public confidence. Additionally, international collaboration with central banks and organizations like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank would be necessary to ensure global economic stability.

Essential Capabilities for the Future

Several additional factors would be crucial for Ripple’s potential involvement in the US financial system. The ability to issue new currency, act as a lender of last resort in times of crisis, and attract highly skilled financial professionals would be essential.

Continuous Improvement and Communication

Ongoing research and development to support the US financial system would be vital. A well-defined transition plan would be necessary to minimize disruption during any potential shift in responsibilities. Finally, clear communication strategies would be needed to keep the public and international community informed of any changes or developments.

While the idea of Ripple directly replacing the Federal Reserve is highly speculative, its technological advancements and existing partnerships with financial institutions position it as a company with the potential to play a more prominent role in the future of US finance.


Collaboration with existing institutions and a focus on core functionalities like security and stability would be key factors in determining the feasibility of such a future.

Disclaimer: This content is meant to inform and should not be considered financial advice. The views expressed in this article may include the author’s personal opinions and do not represent Times Tabloid’s opinion. Readers are urged to do in-depth research before making any investment decisions. Times Tabloid is not responsible for any financial losses.

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Solomon Odunayo
Solomon Odunayo
Solomon is a trader, crypto enthusiast, and analyst with over four years of experience in the industry. He strongly believes that crypto assets and the blockchain will continue to gain prominence. At, he focuses on news, articles with deep analysis of blockchain projects, and technical analysis of crypto trading pairs.

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