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HomeCryptocurrencyHow 5,000 XRP Holdings Could Generate $1 Million

How 5,000 XRP Holdings Could Generate $1 Million

XRP has become one of the most talked about digital assets among crypto enthusiasts, with debates stemming mainly from its lethargic price actions and regulatory compliance issues.

Despite its shortcomings, the coin has been tagged as one of the cryptocurrencies with a relatively good potential to appreciate once it circumvents all its price ascent limiting hurdles, especially its protracted legal dispute with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Read Also: New Means For XRP Holders to Generate Passive Income Without Impermanent Loss

The implication of the above is that XRP holders who can persist until the token attains regulatory clarity will take in juicy profits. While there is no confirmed timeline to assert when we anticipate the SEC vs. Ripple court case conclusion, chances are high that the presiding judge will likely deliver the final ruling this year.

5,000 XRP To Yield $1 Million: At What Price

Based on the mathematical evaluation, 5,000 XRP would sum up to $1 million whenever XRP hits $200. While we can not say never when discussing crypto assets’ possible price trajectories, $200 seems ridiculous for XRP, considering its current selling price.

At press time, XRP is changing hands at approximately $0.52, reflecting a 1.4% upswing in the past 24 hours, according to CoinGecko. Attaining $200 from the coin’s present price standings would imply a massive spike, ranging about 38,361.5%, which makes XRP at $200 a far-fetched estimate.

XRP At $200 – Predicted Timeline

According to the renowned crypto and other digital assets price prediction platform, Changelly, XRP boasts significant potential to attain $200 and beyond.

Per the platform’s prediction, XRP would likely hit $200 between 2033 and 2040. Interestingly, Changelly noted that the digital asset would hit a maximum price of approximately $525.55 in 2050.

Meanwhile, Telegaon, another crypto assets price prediction outlet, does not see XRP at $200 even in 2050. According to Telegaon, XRP would only attain a maximum price of $105.27 in 2050.

Read Also: Ripple CTO Reveals How XRP Holders Can Earn Passive Income With XRP


The price predictions above from two reputable crypto analytical platforms already say a lot about XRP’s uncertain price trajectory and how long it might take before it attains remarkable prices as high as $200 or even $100.

How events eventually unfold remains fluid. Nevertheless, holding a substantial XRP could become crucial in attaining a financial breakthrough in the long run, as it boasts sound appreciation value.

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Chinedu Agbakwusi
Chinedu Agbakwusi
Chinedu Agbakwusi is a medical student at the prestigious Nnamdi Azikiwe University with sound knowledge of the crypto space. I am here to be a reliable plug for well-researched crypto content ranging from crypto news to market analyses and blockchain inventions.

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