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HomeFinanceCosmetic Enhancements Should be Safe and Smart: Shaffy Yaqubi

Cosmetic Enhancements Should be Safe and Smart: Shaffy Yaqubi

Cosmetic enhancements are becoming increasingly common across the world. Earlier, only a certain socio-economic class was subjected to it, but now it has transcended those boundaries and seeped deep into modern society. The procedures are no longer a hidden part of the conversation and learned biomedical science specialists like Shaffy Yaqubi, who has previously trained NHS healthcare professionals and private medical clinic staff, advise on the importance of having a safe and smart approach to cosmetic enhancements.

Know Your Risks

Now that these procedures, no matter how non-invasive, are accessible to the masses, they must be met with the same meticulous medical care as any other medical practice. The safety of the patient undergoing the cosmetic enhancements should never be compromised. The ethical and medical responsibility of the medical professionals performing the procedures should adhere to all safety regulations. Shaffy Yaqubi also focuses on informing people about the possible risks beforehand so they can make an informed decision. As a matter of fact, a lot of people who go under the knife are apparently unaware of the hazards they are signing up for.

Get Real Reviews

Being in the field of biomedical sciences for a long time, Shaffy Yaqubi realises how saturated the field is now and that the accessibility to healthcare professionals offering these cosmetic enhancements has become most convenient. You will get hundreds, if not thousands, of practitioners offering these procedures by clicking a mouse. This is where the patients should realise the importance of safe and smart cosmetic enhancements. Never choose your practitioner just by looking them up online. You should do your thorough homework to ensure your safety. Start by asking people with firsthand experience with the practitioner, Shaffy Yaqubi says. Look up their reviews online through multiple sources and don’t be afraid to ask questions from the internet community.

Cosmetic Enhancements Should be Safe and Smart: Shaffy Yaqubi
Shaffy Yaqubi with Giovanni Castignani from ByBit at a recent event. (Picture taken from Instagram)

Plenty of Fish in the Sea!

Before going through the process, go to multiple practitioners and discuss your expectations in detail. You might shy away from going into the details with each of them, but Shaffy Yaqubi consistently advises people to do this to choose the best practitioner for themselves. You must know the practitioner is safe and adept and will give you what you seek. This will also help you determine the safest approach to your cosmetic enhancement procedure that will give you the most desirable results. Do not prioritise desirable results to safety.


Overall, cosmetic enhancements are the talk of the town these days, and there is no shame in going through them, according to Shaffy Yaqubi. The only factor you should consider while going through it is the smart approach to your procedure. This can be done by doing in-depth research for shortlisting the professionals, having multiple sit-ins with them, and ensuring they realise the importance of safe and smart cosmetic enhancements. Always research professional opinions like Shaffy Yaqubi on such practices to be on the safe side!

Solomon Odunayo
Solomon Odunayo
Solomon is a trader, crypto enthusiast, and analyst with over four years of experience in the industry. He strongly believes that crypto assets and the blockchain will continue to gain prominence. At, he focuses on news, articles with deep analysis of blockchain projects, and technical analysis of crypto trading pairs.

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