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HomeCryptocurrencyMIFSA Economist Calls Ripple Stablecoin Game Changer, Highlights XRP Capability

MIFSA Economist Calls Ripple Stablecoin Game Changer, Highlights XRP Capability

A recent blog post by Carlo De Meijer, Economist, and Researcher at the Malta Institute for Financial Services Analysis (MIFSA), sheds light on Ripple’s upcoming stablecoin and its potential impact on the XRP ecosystem. De Meijer, writing on Finextra, emphasizes the transformative nature of this development for XRP.

De Meijer dives into Ripple’s stablecoin initiative, exploring its design and potential influence on the XRP Ledger (XRPL) landscape. The stablecoin pegged 1:1 to the US dollar, will be backed by a robust combination of highly reliable assets.

Read Also: Ripple CEO Points Up the Potential Benefits of Ripple Stablecoin 

These assets will include a full reserve of US dollar deposits and US government treasuries, including additional liquid assets like top-tier commercial paper and money market instruments. According to De Meijer, this transparent and high-quality backing aims to ensure the stability and trustworthiness of the stablecoin.

Furthermore, De Meijer highlights Ripple’s commitment to a “compliance-first” approach for the stablecoin launch. This focus on adhering to international regulatory standards is seen as critical for maintaining the firm’s core customer base of institutions and governments.

Ripple plans regular reserve audits by a reputable third-party accounting firm to bolster security. Additionally, it intends to provide publicly available monthly attestation reports on the stablecoin reserves. These reports may reveal details about the banking partners entrusted with asset custody.

XRP’s Continued Importance

De Meijer also addressed the concerns about the potential of the stablecoin to overshadow XRP. He argues that the introduction of the stablecoin is, in fact, a response to the growing demand for such an asset within the XRPL ecosystem.

De Meijer emphasizes that XRP remains a vital component. It serves as a key element of Ripple’s dual-asset strategy designed to facilitate international payments.

The anticipated benefits lie in the combined strengths of both XRP and the stablecoin. This strategic approach leverages the swift processing technology of XRP alongside the stability and reliability of the stablecoin.

From De Meijer’s perspective, the introduction of the stablecoin aligns with Ripple’s broader strategy to propel XRPL forward.

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Bridging the Gap for Institutions

The Ripple stablecoin presents a compelling solution for institutions that are hesitant to embrace crypto assets but remain interested in the capabilities of XRPL.


By offering a stablecoin within the XRPL framework, Ripple bridges the gap for these institutions, allowing them to participate in the ecosystem without the perceived risks associated with traditional cryptocurrencies.

Initially, the Ripple stablecoin will be available on both XRPL and the Ethereum (ETH) blockchains. Ripple’s long-term vision involves expanding its reach to encompass a wider range of blockchains, DeFi protocols, and applications.

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Solomon Odunayo
Solomon Odunayo
Solomon is a trader, crypto enthusiast, and analyst with over four years of experience in the industry. He strongly believes that crypto assets and the blockchain will continue to gain prominence. At, he focuses on news, articles with deep analysis of blockchain projects, and technical analysis of crypto trading pairs.

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